As some off you know, we lost our pet rat Katie a bit ago. She had been a bit listless for a week or so. At the same time, we found a couple of growths on Lucy (very common in rats) so off to the vet both went. While Lucy underwent surgery, the vet didn’t find any problems with Katie. However, a few days later we started to see blood. The vet thought it might be an infection but she kept getting worse despite antibiotics, passing only a couple of days later. The vet thinks it was likely uterine cancer and too far to do surgery. Kyle was quite upset and still misses her.
As rats are quite social, we decided it would be best to get new companions for Lucy. As Empty Cages, from whom we had gotten Lucy and Katie, just had a batch of rats arrive, we adopted two sisters from them, Luna (not sure if hooded or “down under”) and Ginger (“Ginny”, a very pretty ever so slightly tinted grey called “beige”). So far, they’re doing well. The only issue we’re having is that Luna and Lucy are not getting along very well. We have Lucy and Ginger in the big cage and Luna in a borrowed hamster cage sitting right next to it. We’re hoping they start getting along soon.
